Wednesday, May 28

Basketball Jones and the Pooperazzi

I think some explanation is needed as to how some of these blog photos come about. I keep my cell phone in my pocket and it happens to be quite a decent camera: a Sony Cybershot. It takes perfect blog photos that don't need much touching up or shrinking down. It will hold over 1000 blog-size photos and it's also "Bluetooth enabled" which means I can sit down at my laptop and not even know where my phone is and the pictures copy over to my laptop and are auto-magically ready for blogging. No cables, no worries -- and I can put out a blog in a just a few minutes. With that in mind...

The other day -- the last nice day we had here since its been raining for 6 days -- Boo and I were out in the garden and she was being such a character that I had to take some shots. She was running as fast as her little butt could push her and jumping here and jumping there. Quite the clown, too. She loves to jump on top of our mini Stonehenge, especially if I put the ball up there. The basketball is the only type of ball we have found she can't destroy (yet).

I mentioned a bit back that her new dog food makes her the 'Princess of Piles' and nothing better than a good round of ball playing to work out some issues. She now has a habit of stopping mid-game to take care of business. She will then leave the ball where it sits because its too close to the nasty and wait for me to move it away before she will play again. Boo at her best.
I swear she is smiling in this last picture.

Boo hates the rain, though. Since the 40 days of rain started, she has cut her food consumption back to less than a bowl a day (normally 2+). She knows eating means toilet time and toilet time means going way back in the rainy lawn. She also sleeps under a blanket from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. Just saving her energy for sunnier days, I guess.

Wardrobe courtesy of Uncle Mike. A Boo Productions Blog. Copyright 2008


Spencer said...

When you gotta go, you gotta go. Good news they are forecasting sun on Monday (too bad today is Thursday)!!!

KeptMan said...

But today is FOG. A notable improvement!