Friday, May 2

The BT Man (and the Ill Communication)

Boo spent a good part of the last day baking brownies to give as a gift to British Telecom. British Telecom (BT), is the only company that can hook up your phone (and also Internet) where we live. Similar to what happened in the States with de-regulation of the phone system, BT switched from a public service to a private monopoly in 1984.

Our experience with BT thus far (minus one shining light) was the worst I have ever had. Period. Four missed appointments. 4 hours on the phone (mostly on hold). 15 hours waiting for an engineer to arrive. Over and over receiving mail confirming appointments they had already missed. A miserable, miserable experience.

And then I called a local guy who simply calls himself, "The BT Man". He can't hook up your phone but after I told him my story, he said he'd take care of it because he 'knew people' at BT that could make things happen. And all of this, for no charge -- only he asked that if we need a new socket or something down the road, we call him. Very MacGyver-ish.

Within 12 hours of sending an email to the BT Man with our story, the office of the chairman for BT called to handle our complaint. This was on Wednesday. Today, Friday, an engineer finally showed up and now both our phone and Internet is working. On top of that, the complaint lady (very nice, by the way), called to find out what compensation I wanted. I think I wound up with 20 pounds to cover cell phone charges, 3 months free phone service, and I think a free install (normally 129 pounds).

You won't get sympathy from the locals, though. You mention "BT" and everyone seems to have a story just like ours. Argh.


Hope N. Gory said...

oh my god...I am actually green with envy! I wish I knew 'The BT Man'. We were without a phone or broadband for about 4 months after we moved in (we had to turn the Sky installation people away twice because they can't set up TV without a phone line for some reason)

Found your blog through Cristen's...just wanted to say welcome to the UK (I'm from worcestershire so not too far away from you and one of my best friends is a hereford lass :) lol) and you couldn't have picked a better day to was my birthday ;) lol

Hope you're enjoying it here...and just to warn you, that week of hot weather we just had? that was summer ;) lol

Telephone Engineer said...

I am very glad I was able to help you and flattered by the MacGyver reference!

Most of the issues I hear about is due to customer service problems. Long waits in queues and foreign call centres who dont understand or dont seem to understand, plus failed callbacks, failed appointments and horrendous charges for fixing faults.

I cant help everyone as I am not local to everyone, but if you are in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Malvern or Forest of Dean, visit my website and send me an email. I wont post it here as I dont was those nasty viagra emails flooding in etc lol :)

Steve / theBTman