Wednesday, May 7

Yo Momma

Found a consumer research site that rated travel sites based on various factors. Best overall search engine was Kayak (my favorite) but one I hadn't heard of was Vayama, a travel search site geared for international trips. I ran a basic Chicago to London search for the end of May for a 2 week trip and it came up with a flight I had never seen before: O'Hare --> Brussels --> Heathrow on Sn Brussels Air for $569.
Worth keeping an eye on, I think.

The Help On Holiday block on my sidebar keeps track of the best links...


Spencer said...

Good work man, can you find a website where I can sell my extra kidney before the bottom falls out on that market?

KeptMan said...

No website, but per quick research, I think all we need to do is use Kayak to find a flight to India. And we should start with a one-way trip in case you don't make it.

Anonymous said...

Cut out the middle man. I'll start the bidding at $1000. Leprechaun kidney has to be worth quite a bit, no?

KeptMan said...

Only if you can find a leprechaun on dialysis...