Friday, May 2

The Queen In Her Damn Undies

We're heading to London for the weekend! Real beds! Great restaurants! Tonight we are heading to one of Gordon Ramsey's places, "The Narrow". Looks good. Tomorrow night: St. John, a legendary restaurant and known as the place that other chefs go for "real" food. I've wanted to go there since my Chicago friend's gave me the book, "The Whole Beast". Should be awesome...


Spencer said...

I don’t know what this post has to do with the queen or her undies.

Anonymous said...

And I am refraining from any comments that might connect the title of the post to the book referenced in it, "The Whole Beast." I kid! I kid!

KeptMan said...

Well, the reference is to the Big Lebowski which in turn is a reference, I think, to the Queen Victoria and her ample unmentionables collection but I really don't know if that's right... either way I associate Queen Victoria's naughty clothes with London.