Monday, October 6

Stagg Party or An Ode To Tommy Seebach

Had some chili here the other night, straight out of a tin can. The wife was off in London or some other exotic locale and here I was sitting in the shire without too much going on in the pantry. Except for a lonely can of Stagg Chili, Dynamite Hot flavor chocked full of minced beef that was shaped into... minced beef? I expect nothing more from Hormel.

I have a thing for spicy food and often eat it without much regard for the morning after. I also had my doubts that anything labelled spicy in England (Indian restaurants aside) is actually spicier than a Taco flavored Dorito. Happily, the Stagg surprised me with a nice burning euphoria. But why stop there when you have a dwarf apache (did someone say Apache? Tommy Seebach!) chili pepper plant producing dozens of little firecrackers?

The end result was a bowl of Stagg Chili, covered in some Turkish cheese, a pile of onions, some double cream, and finally, a healthy sprinkling of dwarf apaches. Well, I guess that wasn't really the end result since that came about 6 hours later. Use your imagination.

And you just can't say 'apache' without sharing some Seebach.


Jeff said...

Yummy! I bet your toilet bowl hated you! Dumbass, sorry, Mr. Dumbass. ;)

KeptMan said...

It's Doo-mas!

Spencer said...

When I lived in Alaska a can of Stagg Chili from the grocery was a real treat.