Thursday, September 25

What We've Got Here Is... Failure To Communicate

In response to a previous rant, I got some feedback that service wasn't really that bad here. Humph! Pffffftt!

The wife and I were trying to resolve why every month our Sky (satellite) TV bill was getting more expensive. We just noticed this problem since most companies here bill quarterly instead of monthly and even though Sky says they recently sent some bills, I haven't seen them. Oh, silly me -- here's an update: Sky's bills come through your TV... like a poltergeist...except that the phone line the installers put in was crimped too hard at one point and split the wires leading to the box. No phone line, no bill.

Anyhoo, I called Sky to find out we somehow were signed up on their phone service. We had already signed up for BT's service with a slick international plan that we thought we had been using to its fullest. Instead, Sky had somehow intercepted those calls and charged us. Charged us lots. Of quids.

BT is almost the shining star this time around. They have no records of the switch to Sky service and they were aware that we were on their good international plan. But they can't help me with Sky. I now have to send our bills from BT to Sky showing that both companies have been providing phone service to the same phone line -- and both have been charging us. I hope that they will take pity on us, the poor souls who have wandered in to a land that one phone tech claimed was 'technically impossible'.

I now have about four hours invested in phone calls, looking through records, and now putting together a letter and copies of bills to send to Sky for consideration of a refund. I'm convinced it could only happen here or maybe in that country Borat is from.

WARNING! Don't play the following clip with speakers on where any one offended by f-bombs is nearby. It's worse than Gordon Ramsey. You've been warned! DO YOU COMPREHEND???


Jeff said...

Good luck with the phone company. New blog:

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. I wasn't seeing quite enough Obama worship in the blogosphere or MSM...