Wednesday, August 13

Serving Suggestion

Ever pick up a box of Rice-A-Roni and think that the picture on the front looks really good until you see the little words printed at the bottom: "Serving Suggestion"? That's when you realize that with what you get in that box, you will never match the picture on the front. Wait -- you mean it doesn't come with roast chicken?

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is true with a new product we tried, "Hunger Breaks - The Big BBQ." The front of the can shows what we thought was in the can: simple baked beans with perhaps a BBQ style sauce. The picture also shows a variety of meat served with the beans -- meat we thought was part of a 'serving suggestion'.

Imagine our surprise when dumping out the can resulted in a full-on processed meat BBQ appearing. Hot dogs, formed pig chops, and some other chunks that may have been intended to be burgers or meatballs.

And it was all really, really nasty. I'd hardly be surprised to find out the Big BBQ had no meat in it. I ate half of my hot dog (there were two - about half American official hot dog size) and couldn't finish the rest. I will eat almost anything and it was that nasty - like a sponge packaged in a tough skin that squirted insipid "fake meat" juice onto your unsuspecting taste buds. I commented that the pig chop may have been a McDonald's chicken nugget that fell off the processing conveyor and was later reclaimed by Hunger Breaks for reuse. Ah, recycling.

I was even more surprised to see that this crap is available all over the world via various British food shopping websites. Have some self respect!



Spencer said...

I recently had an "I'm a food snob" moment. Some of the guys from work and I occasionally visit a local unnamed dive pizza restaurant for their lunch buffet. Given that it is all you can eat for $6.95, it is alright. Yesterday I found myself there with the guys when some one comments, “Man, this chicken is good!” I actually had to contain my surprise with a half hearted chuckle. The chicken in question was a pathetic excuse for chicken parmesan. It consisted of a breaded and fried chicken strip, covered in a marinara sauce (not doubt from a can), with a single slice of irregularly shaped white (possibly parmesan) cheese product judiciously applied to each chicken strip. I think they then put it in the oven to “finish” the dish and get all the ingredients to a similar temperature.

Don’t get me wrong I ate a piece or two of it and it is not so bad that I had to stop eating it, but I would not tell anyone that it was good. It is good use of an inexpensive restaurant grade food product to resemble a pan of chicken parmesan.

Apparently some people must feel strongly enough about Big Barbeque to actually pay extra shipping to get a can of it. I occasionally think that a can of Dinty Moore beef stew would be good and I know it isn’t. Not bad just not good…

Unknown said...

Why are you buying canned meat food products, with beans? and eating it?

KeptMan said...

C'mon now, read the details. We thought it was just beans. The meat was a surprise. I made baked beans from scratch once and the juice wasn't really worth the squeeze.

Anonymous said...

Please go buy a can of "The Full Monty" (also made by Hunger Breaks) and let us know how that is.

Unknown said...
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KeptMan said...

I now am in possession of The Full Monty. Blog in the works...

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now that I know you follow instructions, go open a swiss bank account. More instructions to follow.