Saturday, August 9

Home Sweet Hereford

It's funny to think that I am heading home and home is way over in England now. My dealings in Oregon are over and whether or not it was a success probably varies depending on your point of view. Either way, its a very good thing to be heading home to wife and dog.

Today, I fly Portland to Detroit to London Heathrow and then catch a ride over to Hereford. The whole trip takes about 20 hours. I caught the 4AM shuttle from Corvallis, fly out of here at 8:30AM and land in London tomorrow at 7AM.

We'll see if I can get the blog back on track this coming week.



Spencer said...

I hate it when work gets in the way of blogging or blog reading.

KeptMan said...

If only someone would pay me to blog.

Unknown said...

I second Spencer. My whole blog reading schedule was thrown off by your business trip. Hrmph. I can pay in Marmite and cheese when you return to the States :D