Thursday, June 12

Japanese Blondes

When I was working in Kakegawa, Japan, I developed a strong liking for a beer offered by one of the bars at a nearby hotel: Hoegaarden. This brew, with the restaurant's homemade potato chips, offered a little reminder of home (this was a 2 month stint in Japan.) The gigantic 1-liter glasses helped me forget it again. It was an odd occasion to find a Belgian beer in Japan since Japan has a massive selection of their own homegrown brews that dominate the market.

I see Hoegaarden everywhere now and order it occasionally. In Amsterdam, for our last night, we had dinner at a small Belgian restaurant (Lieve, highly recommended). I noticed another variety of Hoegaarden on the menu: Grand Cru. It's sweeter, more full-flavored with (maybe) peach aroma, and packs quite a punch with almost double the alcohol of the original Hoegaarden. It's easy drinkability made this one a dangerous drink.



Spencer said...

Very nice photo composition!! Beware of canals and strong brew.

KeptMan said...

No kidding; they aren't big on rails, fences, etc. along the water there, are they? I wonder how many tourists end up in the drink.