Monday, June 30

And now.... the Breast of the Story

I took some criticism for my overtly mushy posts about sunsets, daisies, and puppy dogs. Point taken. This post is here to set the blog back on the right (or wrong) track. Folks, if you are at work, stop clicking now because you are on your way to an English gutter. Keep an eye out for Hugh Grant.

So the other day I was doing some legitimate non-adult entertainment oriented searches for help on some of our UK issues. For those of you who don't know, when you take a job in another country, you are officially an 'expatriate' or 'expat' for short. This doesn't imply you aren't a patriot (as in ex-patriot), rather it means something like you left your father's land. When looking for help on certain topics, I'll often Google something like 'expat car insurance'.

I'm not quite sure where The Sun, a UK newspaper, stands as far as respectability. It might be the equivalent of Weekly World News or the National Enquirer but I think it holds a much higher place than that (at least the stories aren't just made up.) They have a section of their online edition that is simply called "Expats" with a tagline of "Always Giving You Extra News About Life Overseas". One of my searches led me here, and wow, did I find some interesting stuff. If you go off on your own, watch out for any section labeled "Page 3"...

I'll just share some of my favorite headlines (naked stuff ahead):

I love that even when they don't have a naw-ty pic to go with the story, they find some nice trampy unrelated eye candy to go with. Classic reporting. I'm not entirely sure how these stories got lumped as stuff British expats would want to read in one place.

That said, the Sun has a ton of legitimate news. As is the style over here, the reporters tend to use more colorful phrasing and a less serious attitude than what I am used to in the US. For example, in Sports, how about this quote: 'RAFA Nadal got bum's rush from fans for scratching his bottom before every point'. Now that's news.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your responsiveness to your readers' concerns.

By the way, I think the Sun is a tabloid that is known for exactly the things you noticed - the Page 3 pics.

KeptMan said...

All I know is its good reading and I am glad to spread the word.

Unknown said...

Sigh. and eye roll.

Spencer said...

I think the Sun Times should start a Page Three!!