Monday, December 15

Castle #5

A few weeks ago on our way to London, we made a quick stop into Windsor Castle, one of the three royal homes of the Queen. We arrived at the end of the day and the castle would be closing before long -- we decided to take make the most of it and move quickly through. Unlike all the other castles we've seen, this one is still the home of royalty and is very well maintained as both an important place for diplomatic events and for protection of the royal family.

We actually were lucky in our timing -- the Semi-State rooms are only open during the winter months and we were able to tour them as well.

A big chunk of what we saw was actually rebuilt following a fire in 1992 -- the rebuilding cost around 37 million sterling. At today's exchange rates, that's around 55 million US dollars -- to rebuild just 9,000 square meters of royal space. Even more amazing is that the project was under-budget and didn't cost tax payers a pence. When walking through, you couldn't tell the difference between old and new -- money well spent?

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Most of the more interesting aspects of Windsor were inside and no pictures were allowed -- if you want to see the best part you'll have to come visit us. We have year-long passes just in case you decide it's worth the trip! This website here has some OK pictures of the inside but the website is sorta ugly and it really doesn't do the place justice. You should just come see it for yourselves!


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