Monday, April 28

Open 24 Hours (or so)

One thing we are learning here is that you can't take anything for granted and assume things are like they are in the States. A perfect example was as we were walking into the local ASDA (basically, Walmart -- Walmart bought them a few years back), here's the conversation:

Rachel: How late are you open?
Employee: 10:30.
Rachel, pointing at sign: Are you open 24 hours?
Employee: Yes.

See how that works? Now, the employee could have explained that they were open 24 hours every day except Saturday and that would have been easier to digest but that was the immediate end of the conversation. Rachel gave me a classic "I told you so" look and my only defense was to shake my head in bewilderment.

1 comment:

Spencer said...

I find that to be similar to most experiences I have ever had with any Wal-mart employees. Except for my mother, who is manager for them. Even she has nothing good to say about her employees. Ask me some time about her helper with Alzheimer’s.