Monday, April 21

The Lilacs: First Look

Alright folks, here is the first glimpse of our English manor: The Lilacs. Sorry for the crap-tastic picture quality; my good camera is in the shop. These are all from the cell phone. It's rainy here today (surprise) but the place is starting to come together as we acquire new stuff to fill the emptiness. We are expecting our Chicago shipment around May 10. Sidenote: We bought a microwave here the other day. They are feature-hounds here. It's a microwave, convection oven, and grill or it can combine any of these functions at once. We made toast in it yesterday. Wierd.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new place beautiful, a bit of contrast from Rogers Park!! I see Rachel had already found some orchids for the window. Is the mobile snack bar open all night or have they just set up business at the end of your driveway? I will be very curious to see how you wash large pans in that sink.