Tuesday, March 3

85 Million Bites

Ok, if you haven't watched Charlie biting his brother's finger, than you might be the last one on earth. When I first posted the link in my "Worth Watching?" box over on the right there, Charlie had 35 million views. That was about 4 days ago. Charlie now has 85 million views. Sure... it's cute. Sure... they have funny little English accents. And no question Charlie is a large baby in an oddly humourous way. But 85 million?

See Charlie here.


Spencer said...

I was happy to be one of the last people in the world (with internet access) to not have seen that video, until I gave in and watched it today. Hey 85 million are doing it..

I was happier before.

“Worth Watching” has led to becoming addicted to fmylife. Now that is some funny shiznit!

Mike said...

Haven't watched it. Pretty sure I can hold out. I presume it's on youtube, in which case it's blocked from work anyway, reducing the temptation enormously.