Thursday, July 3

Do Ya Like Dags?

Last weekend, we put together another classic American food to help stave off some of that homesickness: big ol' sloppy Hot Dogs (with all the Chicago-Style fixins), baked beans, and corn on the cob. A couple of oat sodas to wash it all down. The end result was exactly what we needed.

The relish, by the way, is this stuff you see everywhere here (I think it has its own aisle at the market) called piccalilli. Tastes a lot like a pickle relish but it also has cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, or any other vegetable in the mix with the pickles. It worked.


Spencer said...

If it isn't florescent green it isn't a true Chicago style dog. The cheese product is a nice touch.

Spencer said...

Sure I like dags. I like caravans better.